As 2010 ends, I have looked back at how the year went and have pondered about how I can improve myself to be a better person from the experiences I have gone through. Overall, I think 2010 was a good year. I accomplished a couple of great goals- I graduated college and I started the first job in my career. I also went through a couple of trials- my unwed sister got pregnant, which was really hard on everyone, and I got in a pretty nasty car accident. Some things didn't change in a good way (like I didn't gain weight at all this year), but also in a bad way (my spirituality and faith hasn't progressed at all).
This year, I'm determined to stick with my new year resolutions! Here is an idea of what I want to do:
1. Increase my spirituality. Phil and I are pretty good about reading scriptures and praying together every night, but we could do better, and I want to work on doing the two by myself, as well. We've been slacking in the areas of going to church all three hours, paying a full tithe and going to the temple on a regular basis, so I definitely want to improve on those! I just got a calling to work in the primary, so going to church more shouldn't be a problem anymore.
2. Enjoy my time with my husband. With having a full-time job and with Phil going back to school full-time with a part-time job, it's easy to get in the routine of coming home, having dinner and just going to bed. Some days go by where we don't really have conversations. That can hurt a marriage, so I am going to start using the little time I have with Phil more meaningfully. I want to try to start going on weekly dates, having game nights, etc. I just want to make sure I'm taking the time to focus and love him. Our marriage is so great right now, but I bet it can be even better.
3. Eat better and get in shape! Right now, I have a routine that is maintaining my weight- which is an improvement from last year because during my first year of marriage, I gained weight! Phil has lost 15 lbs., I don't know how, but he is looking great and it has motivated me to want to lose weight too. I need to cut back a little more on eating out for lunch, though haven't decided how to do this yet, exercise-wise. I know there is a zumba class and I really want to do that, just need to find a workout buddy! :) I'm not going to set a goal of how much weight I want to lose, I just want to focus on having a healthier lifestyle and getting toned up.
So, there you have it! What are YOUR new year resolutions?
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Our new car!

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Near death has given me perspective...

So, for those of you who did not hear, I was in a horrible car accident Dec. 1. I woke up that morning feeling like I shouldn't go to work that day, but I brushed off that feeling. I got in the car and started to drive to work in Rigby. I then had a feeling I should slow down, so I did from my usual 70 to 60 mph. The roads seemed fine, but I felt like I should drive extra carefully that morning. I glanced down and it was almost 8 a.m. That was the last thing I specifically remember before what happened next...
It was such a weird, out-of-body experience. Suddenly I'm sliding all over the highway. I don't feel any fear, I don't feel anything really. I swerved into the passing lane, then back into my lane, then through the passing lane again and through the median and onto on-coming traffic. I remember 4 or 5 cars passed me and I was determined to get back into the median. It felt so surreal and dream-like the whole time. The next thing I know, I'm on the ground with a few people surrounding me. I forget what they were saying, all I remember is that I kept asking them when I would wake up because I still thought I was dreaming. I was told I was in an accident and put into an ambulance. I was so confused and disoriented because I don't remember getting hit or feeling any pain or anything.
I was taken to the hospital in Idaho Falls and the doctors and nurses were astounded. I was hit by a car and t-boned by a semi-truck and I walked away with just bumps and bruises! Nothing was broken- except my car. It was completely totaled. Many people might have cried, saying "Why me!" But, I was completely humbled and grateful. Sometimes in this chaotic world we live in, we forget that the Lord loves us and is watching over us. This experience has deeply impacted my testimony on that. I have always feared being a part of a car accident. And, the Lord knew that. He made this horrible experience into one that I can move forward from quickly. I don't remember the accident at all and I didn't go through much pain. Sure, I still hurt- my body aches and I did get a twisted knee out of it- but, it could of been sooooo soooo much worse. The doctors said if the car hit me just a couple of inches to the left, I would have died. To add insult to injury though, the Idaho State Police gave me a ticket for driving too fast- but, like I said, I don't remember the roads being too bad.
This experience has opened my eyes so much. The Lord has lovingly given me a second chance at life! I don't know why, but I am so grateful and am determined to really live my life in the fullest- and that includes blogging more, too. :)
I am recovering very well and hope to get back to work on Monday- though I am terrified of the commute now. I still have bruises and I swollen hip and knee, but I am doing great. Thanks everyone for all your support through this. I'm so grateful!!!!
To view the news release of my accident, click here:
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