Thursday, November 7, 2013

We have an exciting announcement!!!

For those who were expecting a baby announcement, I'm sorry to disappoint you (though we are still trying!).

Phil has been applying for jobs for two months now. Twenty-five applications were sent out before he got a handful of interviews at all sorts of companies (Amazon and Gearbox Software - the people who created Borderlands, the video game - were the biggest companies he heard back from). Talk about pressure! The last interviews he got were for Synergex, a business applications company in California, and Scientech, a flow control company here in Idaho Falls. Which, I should mentioned, happened on the same day.

Synergex immediately asked for a second interview (which we thought was a good sign!) and Scientech said they would get back to him in two weeks. Phil was asked to take a programming test and then had the next interview with Synergex, which they said they would get back to him. We were disheartened. We thought he was doing well with the interviews, and did well on the test, so we figured he would get a job offer.

Well, we didn't stay disappointed for long. A couple of days later, Synergex called Phil and offered him a job - and for more than he asked for too! It wasn't the job he originally applied for, but it is a similar position and we could not be happier.

So, as it stands, we are moving to the Sacramento area the beginning of January after Phil graduates at Idaho State University. (Phil's official start date is January 15.) To be more specific, Phil's job is in Gold River, a 20-minute drive from Sacramento. The cost of living is a lot more, but we have already found a place we like, which is $725/month for a one-bedroom apartment located in Fair Oaks (sheesh!) and will only be a five-minute drive to his new job. I love the location because it is pretty much right next door to an LDS church, across the street from a Lutheran church and a two-minute drive from an elementary school. That sounds like a pretty safe community, right?

We were going to wait and see if Phil got the job at Scientech because we would like to stay in Idaho Falls, but when he sent a followup email about the position, they said they were still in the middle of interviews and would let him know in three weeks. Which means the beginning of December and that wouldn't give us nearly enough time to get ready for the move to California if he didn't end up getting the job. But, I am super excited about this. It will definitely be an adventure for us! But, I will keep you all updated if anything changes! 

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