Saturday, February 15, 2014

Best Valentine's Day Ever

I had the best Valentine's Day ever. But not for reasons you would expect.

I had been subbing in a Primary class for the past three weeks, so when the Relief Society asked for volunteers to help out at a missionary luncheon for the holiday, I jumped at the chance so I could get to know the sisters better since I hadn't really gotten the chance to do so since we've moved in. Besides, it had been a while since I participated in an act of service, and Phil would be at work during the luncheon anyway, so it wouldn't affect our time together that day.

When I got there, I found out the lunch was actually a part of a zone conference for the Sacramento missionaries – all 105 of them. I never served a mission myself, is that a lot? Because it blew my mind. My Relief Society president, Sister Anderson, poured her heart and soul into this luncheon. The Valentine's Day/Presidents' Day decorations we set up and the food we served (potato soup, sandwich wraps, sliced oranges and brownies/ice cream) were awesome and delicious. I wish I took pictures because everything looked so nice. Sister Anderson and I had made Valentine's Day cards for all of the missionaries earlier in the week, and she had added individual handwritten messages on each of them, encouraging the missionaries to do their best and letting them know how much we loved them – the missionaries loved those! And, hanging up at the front of the cultural hall was a huge banner with all the missionaries' signatures on it.

During the lunch, I got to talk to a lot of the elders and sisters (who were quite fashionable and super cute!) while serving them the soup. They were all so nice and easy to get along with (my favorite was an elder from France, he made me laugh). I was touched by their gratefulness toward us just taking the time being there and giving them food. After the lunch was over, the volunteer Relief Society/Young Women sisters were asked to come out so the missionaries could thank us. They sang to us Called to Serve and Love One Another. I almost cried during the second song because of how lovely it was and I just focused on feeling the Holy Ghost. It really was a sweet moment.

Afterward, we quickly cleaned up the tables and the kitchen. Most of the volunteers had left after that point, but I stayed around to chat with Sister Anderson and a girl who was still in Young Women (and who I bonded with instantly) when a couple of sister missionaries popped their heads in asking if we had any extra Valentine's Day cards since one of the volunteers accidentally threw theirs away during the cleanup. We felt horrible because we didn't have anymore and they thanked us anyway and walked away sadly.

I don't remember whose idea it was, but one of the two women suggested we go dumpster diving and find some Valentine's Day cards. We couldn't let the missionaries down, gosh dang it! They ransacked the garbage, while I just stood there and laughed at the scene. But, they did find five cards unscathed! So, we ran and found the sister missionaries and gave them the cards, haha. They were sooo happy. We found a few elders who wanted cards, as well.

I had such a good time there and even asked an older missionary on the requirements for couple missionaries because I would love to go with Phil on a mission some day. This opportunity to serve rejuvenated my love for our missionaries and serving in general.

I also had a nice Valentine's Day with Phil when he got home from work. We didn't do much because we splurged on Sacramento Comic Con tickets, so we were broke, but we did make delicious cheese stuffed manicotti for dinner, along with sourdough french bread and martinellis. He surprised me with an Amazon gift card and a bag of peanut m&ms (my fave). I love him so much and so grateful for everything he does for me!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, that is so awesome Becky! You are so amazing and I am so glad that wonderful things are happening for you and Phil there. You guys deserve every bit of that happiness. Love you guys!
